Are you Curious?


As we’ve witnessed Microsoft’s incredible performance with Satya Nadella’s leadership, we began thinking about what has contributed to this great success. There are certainly too many ingredients to mention here, and yet there is one that strikes us as key. It comes from one of the things Satya said when guest speaking at an event we attended years ago: “Don’t be a know-it-all…be a learn-it-all”. For us, Satya’s call to action for his teammates at Microsoft rings true as a key ingredient to success in life. It’s simply, “Are you curious?”.

 Personal Benefits of Curiosity

Over the years, we have discovered the significant benefits of curiosity. As we have raised our levels of curiosity we have witnessed a correlation with our business success. However, our greatest discovery and benefit has been around personal life experience and enjoyment.


*Finding the Perfect Hometown:  Our curiosity led us to Newcastle. When we were in the process of moving here from California 10 years ago we knew very little about the areas to live. After exhaustive research, we were convinced Bellevue was the place to be. It had great schools, a wonderful location, and nice family-friendly neighborhoods.

 As we narrowed our focus down to communities like Enatai and Woodridge, we started asking questions of everyone we came into contact with. Right as we were about to make an offer and likely end up living in Woodridge, someone answered our persistent questions with “Have you heard of Newcastle?” The next thing you know we’re looking at homes in Newcastle and the rest is history. While we love Bellevue (our office is in Bellevue), we certainly love living in Newcastle…there is no place we’d rather be!

*Personal Relationships:  A powerful example of curiosity mending a strained relationship comes from our friend and his college roommate. For years, their connection had been distant and virtually non-existent. However, a health scare presented an unexpected opportunity for reconnection. Instead of focusing on the diagnosis itself, my friend—an avid questioner—chose to dig deeper. He asked thoughtful questions about how the experience was impacting his roommate’s life, family, and work. Using his signature “what else?” and “why?” questions, he uncovered layers of emotion and perspective that no one else had reached. Through this genuine curiosity, he not only broke down barriers but also rebuilt a meaningful bond with his old roommate.


Here are some ways we have cultivated more curiosity in our lives…perhaps you may find them useful as well: 

 * Ask Questions and Dive Deeper:  Strive to inquire and seek more information even in seemingly mundane situations.  Dive deeper by using questions like “what else” to gain another level of understanding and connection.

* Explore Diverse Perspectives:  Engage with people from different backgrounds and opinions. This unlocks opportunities to enhance decision-making and enrich our personal and professional lives.

* Active Listening:  Build more trust and rapport by respecting and comprehending others’ perspectives and needs. Ask questions with the purpose of listening to the answer – not to come over the top with your perspective or opinion.    


Our paths to be more curious have brought tremendous joy to our lives. Better and stronger relationships, less stress and aggravation, and super cool tips and tricks to make life easier and more fun!

We have found curiosity to be a gift you give yourself and the company you keep. So, perhaps you should consider how curiosity fits into your life. Don’t know where to start? It can be as simple as asking more and deeper questions, being a better listener, and resisting the temptation to speak until you’re asked a question.

Until next time, may all your lifestyle dreams come true!

 Matt and Christina Skally with Randy Riffle 


Matt & Christina are Team Skally, top real estate agents in the Seattle Metro with expertise in luxury homes on the Eastside including Bellevue, Newcastle, Mercer Island, Renton and Issaquah. Their client testimonials say it all - they deliver exceptional service and record-breaking results. Recognized as top agents on social media by Property Sparks, Diamond Award winners for best client service, Nextdoor’s Neighborhood Faves and regularly featured in online and print publications including Greet - Newcastle & Newport Hills Magazine. In addition to serving clients, Matt and Christina love family time with their two boys and two Goldendoodles as well as volunteering in the community.