As we’ve witnessed Microsoft’s incredible performance with Satya Nadella’s leadership, we began thinking about what has contributed to this great success. There are certainly too many ingredients to mention here, and yet there is one that strikes us as key. It comes from one of the things Satya said when guest speaking at an event we attended years ago: “Don’t be a know-it-all…be a learn-it-all”.
Read MoreHave you ever heard that everyone has a Love Language? If your next question is what is a love language then this might be a wonderful article for you! We all give and receive love in 5 different ways: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.
Read MoreNearly 20 years ago we decided a fun date night would be to privately write down our favorite baby names and then compare our lists to decide on the name for our 1st Son. Well, what we thought would be an epic evening of lively debating names, and ultimately landing on one together, turned out to be a non-event because the #1 name on both of our lists was the same. And it wasn’t even Dominick or Dominique…it was Dominic!
Read MoreOver the years we’ve discovered that one of the great secrets of life seems to be learning from experience. Although we have had incredible life experiences there are so many things we just haven’t done and just don’t know. What’s the best way to close the experience gap and maximize our one precious life? We’ve found it best to approach every situation with curiosity and openness. We call it “what are your favorites”.
Read MoreWe love walking our dogs around our neighborhood, especially past a particular house with the most stunning yard. The owner is always out there, updating her garden and decor with the changing seasons. It truly reflects her pride of ownership, and it always feels so inviting. Her home is a perfect example of how refreshing your landscaping can boost your home's look and the feelings it generates as people walk and drive by.
Read MoreIf you’ve been paying attention to the news you’ve probably heard about the recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) Settlement. We have received countless questions from friends, clients, and family wondering what’s really going on. As with most news, there are perceptions and there are realities.
Read MoreRecently, we wrote about our tradition of declaring annual theme words and refreshing our vision board to create the life we want to experience. Another way we’re manifesting our life intentions is by waking up every day with the goal of making someone’s day.
Read MoreIt’s that time again when we reflect on the previous year and chart our course for the year ahead. Over the years we’ve become increasingly committed to developing our vision boards and practicing the “law of attraction”.
Read MoreWe love decorating our front entrance for the changing holiday seasons. We are personally working on transitioning our home into a winter wonderland and one of the first places we start is our front door. The entrance to your home sets the mood for what’s inside.
Read MoreBecause we’re in the Real Estate business, when people hear us talk about Love Letters they assume we mean the kind a buyer client might send to a seller to express their love and intentions with the home they want to purchase. Well, for the purpose of this article, we’re expressing a very different kind of Love Letter..
Read MoreFor those that have gotten to know us, you already know we love traditions and creating memories with those around us. Many of you have heard stories about our pizza nights, Skally Olympics, and Turkey Bowl, just to name a few.
Read MoreWith spring in the air and Summer swiftly approaching May is a great time to tidy up those garden and flower pots. We truly love to renew our garden spaces and outdoor pots with some fresh and vibrant flowers. For us, it’s very therapeutic and a great sense of accomplishment when we get to relax and enjoy the beauty we’ve cultivated and created.
Read MoreThere’s something about a clean house that just makes everything feel good in our home. Are you with us? Even though the end result is fantastic, getting there isn’t always enjoyable…so how can we make it fun?
Read MoreWith every new year, we see fresh home design trends emerge. As we move into 2023 there are 3 that we are consistently seeing at the forefront and we think they are all simple trends to bring into your home if you’d like to give them a try!
Read MoreTeam Skally reports January is the New April for the Housing Market.
Read MoreBased on our title you probably thought we were going to share tips on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency…well that isn’t the case! Perhaps someday we’ll write about that, but this article is focused on leveraging the principles of Feng Shui to maximize the energy you feel in your home.
Read MoreThe Eastside Real Estate Market in 2022 was like a tale of two cities…here’s why!
Tis’ the Season to be jolly! We love decorating our front entrance for the changing holiday seasons. With the holidays knocking on the door (pun intended) we thought we’d share some simple tips to inspire your creativity.
Read MoreReal Estate Reviews are a key element of the Team Skally Advantage. As a reminder, our professional purpose is to help you win in Real Estate. And not only do our Real Estate Reviews provide you with the most comprehensive local market intelligence and accurate valuation of your home, our clients and "insiders" commonly use them to support many aspects of their lives.
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