Recently, we wrote about our tradition of declaring annual theme words and refreshing our vision board to create the life we want to experience. Another way we’re manifesting our life intentions is by waking up every day with the goal of making someone’s day. What an incredible gift to give and the good vibes you experience in return are simply priceless.
As usual, we've dragged our kids along on this daily goal and we’re happy to report they’re actually digging it. This summer Dominic overheard the school office staff ranting and raving about the State Fair scones. When he attended the Fair with some friends he paused on the way out and ran back to get a bag of scones to bring back to school for the staff. We didn't know he'd done this until we got a call from the office. We were worried the boys were in some kind of trouble only to learn they were now ranting and raving about Dominic’s kindness. Dom felt like a hero and of course, we were proud parents.
Christian had a cool one recently as well. He was at the local cellular store where he waited over 3 hours for his phone issues to be resolved. While it was a terrible experience, he felt like the employee trying to help him was doing everything in her power to do the right thing. At the end of the ordeal, she expressed empathy for him and the situation and apologized profusely for the bad experience. Christian, realizing the issue was out of her control and above her “paygrade” decided to write a letter to her Supervisor commending her for her effort and kindness in doing her best. We only found out about this because he got a very nice reply from the Supervisor that the team member was being recognized in a team meeting based on his review.
We’re a little shy about sharing these stories as we write articles because we aren’t trying to brag about our kids. We see kids and people demonstrate amazing kindness all the time. They inspire us to turn lemons into lemonade and show kindness and love to all those we come into contact with, after all, Matt’s theme word for the year is aloha and so we’ve declared we’re striving to spread love and joy to all.
Could you imagine if we all realized that everyone is fighting some kind of battle? That sometimes a little grace, understanding, and aloha is all someone needs to make their day? And it might just change their tune and perhaps they pass along the good vibes to someone else. That would be contagiously awesome! So when we wake up each morning we begin by asking ourselves, “Whose Day Am I Going To Make Today?!” Someday we hope to have the opportunity to make your day, and until then wishing you an abundance of ALOHA!
Your friends and neighbors,
Matt & Christina
Matt & Christina are Team Skally, top real estate agents in the Seattle Metro with expertise in luxury homes on the Eastside including Bellevue, Newcastle, Mercer Island, Renton and Issaquah. Their client testimonials say it all - they deliver exceptional service and record-breaking results. Recognized as top agents on social media by Property Sparks, Diamond Award winners for best client service, Nextdoor’s Neighborhood Faves and regularly featured in online and print publications including Greet - Newcastle & Newport Hills Magazine. In addition to serving clients, Matt and Christina love family time with their two boys and two Goldendoodles as well as volunteering in the community.