In This Market Should You Wait To Buy?

We are frequently asked the question, "is now the right time to buy"?
With the median sold price on the Eastside increasing over 30% in the last year it certainly can be hard to believe that now could be a good time to buy. But when looking at the bigger, as in right now, can present a good opportunity to buy. Thinking we're a little crazy?! (LOL!) are a few key facts and trends that we're sharing with our clients/friends on the daily...

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Should You Buy and Sell at the Same Time?

Both buying and selling a home can be equally stressful, and what about when you are trying to coordinate both at the same time? There are a lot of moving parts, and the agents involved work together to ensure the smoothest possible transactions for our clients. If you are selling your home and want to close on a new home purchase at the same time, here are some things to think about to make your move as smooth as possible.

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Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Your Family

On Earth Day, April 22nd, we celebrate our celestial home, planet Earth. It is a day to give thanks for the world around us and to take action to protect the natural resources we depend upon.
This year, I encourage you to spend Earth Day with your family, doing one of these fun activities designed to bring awareness of the ways we can all work to better our earthly home, reduce our carbon footprints, and build lasting family memories at the same time.

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5 Tips for Buying a Luxury Home

Luxury homes are generally described as those in the top 10% of their market. Luxury homes are usually located in the most optimal areas in a market, are large in size, and built with high-end materials. Luxury homes often have unique design elements and amenities not found in most homes. Want an indoor pool, a rock-climbing wall, a ballroom, or a bowling alley? A luxury home might have one of these– or all of them!

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Fresh Year, Fresh Start: Tips for Cleaning Out Your Home for the New Year

As you look forward to 2021 you may have spent some time thinking about your intentions for the coming year, whether for personal or professional growth, health and fitness, or family goals. Let’s face it, 2020 was stressful, and while many people look to each new year to freshen up their lives, this year more than ever people are looking inward to reexamine what is important to them. But one thing that is just as important as setting intentions for your behaviors or habits is creating a peaceful and joyful place in which to practice your intentions.

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