One Word Will Change Your Life!
Have you heard of the Universal Law of Attraction? Since the beginning of time, it has been used by the happiest and most successful people in the world to draw into their lives what they want to happen in their life. It can be summed up simply as “what we think about comes about.”
After studying and semi-practicing the Law of Attraction for many years, we decided a few years ago to increase our commitment and focus on it by starting each year with a new theme word we wanted to maximize in our lives.
This sure came in handy when we, like most of you, faced challenges brought on by the pandemic. At times, we found ourselves falling into the trap of thinking too much about scarcity and worrying about uncontrollable things, even the amount of toilet paper and hand sanitizer we had on hand. Rather than fall into the valley of despair, we decided to use the Law of Attraction to draw into our lives what we really wanted for ourselves and for all of those around us. Christina chose the word ABUNDANCE, and I chose the word JOY. Sure enough, the minute we declared these words and put them on our vision boards, they serendipitously showed up on the daily in our lives!
If you declare a word and start every day with the intention of bringing it into your life, you’ll be amazed at what will happen. Your word will show up more and more in the most profound ways!
For 2022, Christina is choosing GENEROSITY. The plan is to pay forward our blessings by giving more time, talent, and treasure to others. And, as an added bonus, it sure is amazing the goodness that comes our way when we increase our generosity. And Matt is declaring FLOW as his theme word, with the idea of making everything in life simpler and easier for us and all we “touch.” At times life gets complicated and it really doesn’t need to be, after all, life is for “laughing, loving, and living!”
We invite you to pick a theme word and find an accountability partner to help you stick with it and bring it into existence! And if you’d like some help picking one, working on your vision board, or need an accountability partner, just send us an email, text, or DM.
May the Law of Attraction bring you your best year yet, filled with an ABUNDANCE of JOY!
Matt & Christina
Matt & Christina are Team Skally, top real estate agents in the Seattle Metro with expertise in luxury homes on the Eastside including Bellevue, Newcastle, Mercer Island, Renton and Issaquah. Their client testimonials say it all - they deliver exceptional service and record-breaking results. Recognized as top agents on social media by Property Sparks, Diamond Award finalists for best client service and regularly featured in online and print publications including Newcastle Life Magazine. In addition to serving clients, Matt and Christina love family time with their two boys and Leo, the Goldendoodle, as well as volunteering in the community.