Posts in Home Buyer
What's a Real Estate Review and Why Should I Have One?

Real Estate Reviews are a key element of the Team Skally Advantage. As a reminder, our professional purpose is to help you win in Real Estate. And not only do our Real Estate Reviews provide you with the most comprehensive local market intelligence and accurate valuation of your home, our clients and "insiders" commonly use them to support many aspects of their lives.

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Windermere's Chief Economist, Matthew Gardner, has coined the phrase "Housing Reversion" to describe current and forecasted housing market conditions.

His data and perspective give us confidence that we should turn off the news and follow the timeless and invaluable advice of Mark Twain, who famously said, "don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait"! We couldn't agree more!

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Love Where You Live!

Getting tired of the same old routine? Looking to add a little spice to your life? Well, you could try listening to the song “Spice Up Your Life” by the Spice Girls! (LOL) Ok, seriously, a home refresh is just what the Doctor and Team Skally ordered!

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Creating Your Dream Lifestyle - Unleash Your Home Equity

Clients often ask us the secret to making money in real estate. Our Uncle (RIP), who was quite successful as a real estate investor and manager, used to say: “your home is not an investment, it’s a lifestyle”. We certainly agree with him on the lifestyle point, as our Team Skally “reason for being” is to make our client’s Lifestyle Dreams Come True! But if he were around today we’d certainly love to debate him on the idea that your home is not an investment. With the median home appreciating 26% over the last year and another 18% forecasted by over the next year, our homes have incredible equity to unleash!

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Creating Your Dream Home Starts with Your Kitchen

Have you ever thought…There is so much I'd like to do to our home but I don't know where to start?

From our perspective, starting with the kitchen is a no-brainer. It's the heart of the home! We spend much of our time at home, nourishing our bodies, enjoying precious time with family and creating amazing traditions and memories with our friends. But, the scope and cost of a total kitchen remodel can be intimidating, so here are a few refresh ideas that provide exceptional bang for the buck.

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In This Market Should You Wait To Buy?

We are frequently asked the question, "is now the right time to buy"?
With the median sold price on the Eastside increasing over 30% in the last year it certainly can be hard to believe that now could be a good time to buy. But when looking at the bigger, as in right now, can present a good opportunity to buy. Thinking we're a little crazy?! (LOL!) are a few key facts and trends that we're sharing with our clients/friends on the daily...

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Should You Buy and Sell at the Same Time?

Both buying and selling a home can be equally stressful, and what about when you are trying to coordinate both at the same time? There are a lot of moving parts, and the agents involved work together to ensure the smoothest possible transactions for our clients. If you are selling your home and want to close on a new home purchase at the same time, here are some things to think about to make your move as smooth as possible.

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