Your Home's Energy

Based on our title you probably thought we were going to share tips on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency…well that isn’t the case! Perhaps someday we’ll write about that, but this article is focused on leveraging the principles of Feng Shui to maximize the energy you feel in your home.

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What's a Real Estate Review and Why Should I Have One?

Real Estate Reviews are a key element of the Team Skally Advantage. As a reminder, our professional purpose is to help you win in Real Estate. And not only do our Real Estate Reviews provide you with the most comprehensive local market intelligence and accurate valuation of your home, our clients and "insiders" commonly use them to support many aspects of their lives.

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Windermere's Chief Economist, Matthew Gardner, has coined the phrase "Housing Reversion" to describe current and forecasted housing market conditions.

His data and perspective give us confidence that we should turn off the news and follow the timeless and invaluable advice of Mark Twain, who famously said, "don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait"! We couldn't agree more!

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